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Английский Этимологический словарь - height


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- O.E. hiehюu, hehюu (Anglian) "highest part or point, summit," from root of heah "high" + -itha Gmc. abstract noun suffix. The modern pronunciation with -t not established till 18c., and heighth is still colloquial.
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  ~ n 1 »TALL« a) how tall someone is  (sb's height)  (State your age, height, and weight. | be the same/right etc height)  (My daughter's already about the same height as I am.) b) the distance between the base and the top of something  (What's the height of the Empire State Building? | in height)  (Some of the pyramids are over 200 feet in height.) 2 »DISTANCE ABOVE THE GROUND« a particular distance above the ground  (It's a miracle she didn't break her neck falling from that height. | at a height of 10,000 feet) 3 gain/lose height if an aircraft gains height or loses height, it moves higher in the sky or it drops lower in the sky  (The plane was rapidly losing height.) 4 »HIGH PLACE« heights plural a) places that are a long way above the ground  (Rachel had always been scared of heights. | have a head for heights (=not be afraid of heights)) b) a particular high place  (the Golan Heights) 5 reach/attain/rise to new heights a) to reach a very high level of achievement or success  (Her career rose to new heights. | take sth to new heights)  (Torville and Dean took ice dancing to new heights.) b) to reach a very great level or degree  (War fever had reached new heights.) 6 the height of the part of a period of time that is the busiest, hottest etc, or when there is the most activity  (the height of the tourist season) 7 be at the height of your success/fame/powers etc to be at the time when you are most successful, famous etc  (The Beatles were at the height of their fame.) 8 be the height of fashion/stupidity/luxury etc to be extremely fashionable, stupid etc  (Flared trousers were considered to be the height of fashion in those days.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (heights) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. The height of a person or thing is their size or length from the bottom to the top. I am 5’6’’ in height... The wave here has a length of 250 feet and a height of 10 feet... He was a man of medium height. N-VAR: oft with poss, amount in N, N of amount 2. Height is the quality of being tall. She admits that her height is intimidating for some men. N-UNCOUNT 3. A particular height is the distance that something is above the ground or above something else mentioned. ...a test in which a 6.3 kilogram weight was dropped on it from a height of 1 metre... N-VAR 4. A height is a high position or place above the ground. I’m not afraid of heights. N-COUNT 5. When an activity, situation, or organization is at its height, it is at its most successful, powerful, or intense. During the early sixth century emigration from Britain to Brittany was at its height... = peak N-SING: at N with poss 6. If you say that something is the height of a particular quality, you are emphasizing that it has that quality to the greatest degree possible. The hip-hugging black and white polka-dot dress was the height of fashion... N-SING: the N of n c darkgreen]emphasis 7. If something reaches great heights, it becomes very extreme or intense. ...the mid-1980s, when house prices rose to absurd heights... N-PLURAL: with supp, oft adj N, N of n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   noun  Etymology: Middle English ~he, from Old English hiehthu; akin to Old High German hohida ~, Old English heah high  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. the highest part ; summit  b. highest or most advanced point ; zenith at the ~ of his powers  2.  a. the distance from the bottom to the top of something standing upright  b. the extent of elevation above a level  3. the condition of being tall or high  4.  a. an extent of land rising to a considerable degree above the surrounding country  b. a high point or position  5. obsolete an advanced social rank Synonyms:  ~, altitude, elevation mean vertical distance either between the top and bottom of something or between a base and something above it. ~ refers to something measured vertically whether high or low a wall two meters in ~. altitude and elevation apply to ~ as measured by angular measurement or atmospheric pressure; altitude is preferable when referring to vertical distance above the surface of the earth or above sea level; elevation is used especially in reference to vertical ~ on land fly at an altitude of 10,000 meters Denver is a city with a high elevation. ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. 1 the measurement from base to top or (of a standing person) from head to foot. 2 the elevation above ground or a recognized level (usu. sea level). 3 any considerable elevation (situated at a height). 4 a a high place or area. b rising ground. 5 the top of something. 6 Printing the distance from the foot to the face of type. 7 a the most intense part or period of anything (the battle was at its height). b an extreme instance or example (the height of fashion). Phrases and idioms height of land US a watershed. Etymology: OE hehthu f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) высота; габаритная высота (сооружения) 2) отметка высоты, высотная отметка 3) вершина; верхняя часть 4) относительная высота (над уровнем ВПП или посадки) 5) высота подъёма, клиренс (СВП) 6) высшая точка, максимум 7) амплитуда (импульса) 8) напор (воды) 9) метал. глубина (лунки) height above reference zero — высота относительно начала координат (конкретной схемы полёта); высота относительно нулевого уровня; at breast height — на уровне груди (об измерении диаметра дерева), height at start of retraction — высота начала уборки (механизации крыла, шасси и т. п.); height equivalent to a theoretical plate — высота, эквивалентная теоретической тарелке, ВЭТТ, высота теоретической тарелки; height equivalent to a theoretical stage — высота, эквивалентная теоретической ступени (при расчёте экстракционной колонны); height inside body — ж.-д. высота кузова внутри; height in the clear — высота в свету (вышки); to hover at a height of... — зависать на высоте... (о вертолёте) height of center of buoyancy — аппликата центра водоизмещения, аппликата центра величин height of center of gravity — аппликата центра тяжести (судна) height of contact wire — высота контактного провода height of damming — подпор, высота подпора height of effective plate — высота эффективной тарелки height of engagement — высота профиля...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  высота; высотная отметка; вершина, верх; верхушка height of arc height of building height of lift ceiling height clear height critical height crown height dumping height effective height face height floor height floor-to-floor height free-standing height maximum discharge height maximum hook height outlet height overall structure height overflow height storey height uniform story height unsupported height wave height ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  высота – antenna tower height – effective height – nominal antenna height ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) высота; возвышение 2) высотность 3) рост 4) угол возвышения base times height — произведение основания на высоту critical height of engine — высотность двигателя height of algebraic number — высота алгебраического числа height of an element — высота элемента height of an instrument — геод. горизонт инструмента height of rooted tree — высота корневого дерева height of the eye — высота глаза наблюдателя slant height of — высота конуса по slant height of cone — длина образующей конуса - barometric height - collecting height - cross-sectional height - cut height - gage height - height arm - height bridge - height control - height of antenna - height of branch - height of centers - height of congruence - height of element - height of ideal - height of instrument - height of link - height of point - height of polynomial - height of tree - height of vector - height of vertex - height scale - height servo - hovering height - instrumental height - lifting height - overall height - piling height - pouring height - safe height - scale of height - spheroidal height - stacking height - thermoelectric height - wave height ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) высота; уровень 2) верх; вершина; высшая степень – inventive height HEIGHT сущ. 1) высота 2) степень 3) высшая степень - the height of the season ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) высота 2) рост – height at the shoulder ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. высота, вышина the height of a building —- высота здания wall six feet in height —- стена высотой в шесть футов giddy height —- головокружительная высота at a height of 3000 metres above sea level —- на высоте 3000 метров над уровнем моря a fear (a bad head) of heights —- страх (боязнь) высоты height of burst —- воен. высота разрыва to gain height —- ав. набирать высоту to clear the height —- спорт. взять высоту 2. рост what is her height? —- какого она роста?; какой у нее рост? he is six feet in height —- он ростом в шесть футов 3. высота над уровнем моря 4. тех. высотная отметка height mark —- топ. отметка уровня 5. астр. высота (Солнца, звезды) над горизонтом (в градусах) 6. вершина, верх, верхушка they finally reached the height of the mountain —- наконец они достигли вершины горы on the mountain heights —- на горных вершинах 7. холм, возвышенность, высота castles on the heights —- замки на холмах 8. верх, высшая степень (чего-л.); апогей; разгар the height of folly —- верх глупости the height of power —- вершина власти the height of fashion —- крик моды the height of pleasure —- верх блаженства the height of his genius —- расцвет его гения in the height of the season —- в разгар сезона the storm was at its height —- буря была в разгаре excitement was at its height —- возбуждение достигло крайнего предела 9. библ. небеса 10. уст. знатность 11. уст. возвышенность натуры 12. тех....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun  1) высота, вышина; рост to rise to a great height - подняться на большую высоту  2) возвышенность, холм  3) степень  4) верх, высшая степень чего-л.; высоты (знаний и т.п.) in the height of smth. - в разгаре чего-л. dressed in the height of fashion - одетый по последней моде ...
Англо-русский словарь


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